Free Community Courses

Skills Update Training and Education Group

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Category One Provider

This is the highest rating possible which means NZQA is highly confident in our educational performance and capability of self-assessment.

NZQA Accredited

We have been accredited by NZQA since 1992. We hold one of the largest scope of accreditation for a private provider.

Our Campuses

We have three purpose-built campuses in Mangere, Papakura and Kelston in Auckland. We also deliver in Christchurch and Tauranga.

TEC Funded

We are a TEC funded organisation delivering programmes for youth and adult learners. We also deliver programmes for Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and international learners.


We want our programmes to be relevant to the industry resulting in great outcomes to our learners. We are continuously innovating to develop products that reflect the future of education.

Fees Free* Study Options

Many of our programmes are offered fees free* study options to eligible domestic students.

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Limitless learning and opportunities

Skills Update Training and Education Group is committed to consistently providing high quality education and training services to our communities. Gain skills that will get you the job. Our Quality Assurance Team is dedicated to the ongoing improvement of our organisation. As a Category 1 provider (NZQA’s highest rating for Educational Performance and Self-Assessment), you can be assured that our programmes will be amongst the best in the education sector. Our tutoring team has many years of industry experience and continue to maintain relationships with industry organisations to promote ongoing relevance, demand and work-based training.

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Ministry Of Social Development

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